
Year 2 - Maple Class and Willow Class

Welcome to Year 2
Maple Class (Miss Polmounter) and Willow Class (Miss Bussandri)
Miss Polmounter

Year 2 Teacher / Design and Technology Lead / Oracy Lead

Miss Bussandri

Year 2 Teacher/ Phonics Lead

Mrs Triggs

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Hughes

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Cahill

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Antonio

Teaching Assistant

Our topic throughout Autumn Term will be 'Fire.' We will be learning about what life was like in 1666 and the events that unfolded in Pudding Lane. Within Geography we will explore London, our capital city as we learn about the countries that make up the United Kingdom. Our 'Fire' unit will be woven through our learning across the curriculum. We will also be exploring the works of local artist Sir Terry Frost and use this as inspiration for our own Great Fire of London compositions. During our transition afternoons, we have created our flames ready to create our own headbands for our Fire Dance performance at the end of the term! We will be working collaboratively with our peers to choreograph a dance to represent the flickering flames of a fire. 

Sandy Hill Academy
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