Mrs Evans - Cherry Class
Reception Teacher/ EYFS Lead/ Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Penny - Apple Class
Reception Teacher
Mrs Raikes
Mrs Whetter
Miss Harris
Mrs Cotton
Miss Willis
Miss Egerton
Mrs Hasthorpe
Mrs Charalambous
Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Bruce
Lunchtime Supervisor
The children have now gained a solid understanding of our school rules, and have begun to understand why following rules is important. This term the children have continued to develop friendships, and establish a strong sense of self. With adult modelling, quality interactions and our weekly SCARF sessions, children have deepened their understanding of their own feelings and the feelings of others. We have enjoyed learning about our world and how we can care for it, and for other people, animals and plants. The children have grown in confidence and have shown increasing independence with managing disagreements and conflicts in their play. We have continued with our We Thinkers sessions, focusing this term on ‘The Group Plan’, which has made our group activities more effective and collaborative.
Communication and Language
Communication and Language is a huge focus area for our Reception classes. Our WellComm and We Thinkers programmes support social interaction and communication, speech, and language. The children have been taught Makaton signs which support all children with language development, and helps to create an inclusive, welcoming environment for all children. This half term we have enjoyed our weekly ‘Show and Tell’ sessions. This term’s show and tell focus is our favourite books from home. The children have been so excited to share with the class their favourite character, or part of the story. The children love sharing their home learning experiences that have been uploaded to Tapestry- we love finding out about your home achievements!
Physical Development
The children’s PE sessions cover a range of activities which support their physical development, including gross and fine motor skills. The children have enjoyed taking part in PE sessions where they are learning to jump safely, walk, and run using varying directions and speeds. Our Physical Development curriculum at Sandy Hill Academy is supported by our Healthy Movers programme, alongside yoga sessions.
The children’s Literacy has continued to develop this term. We are so proud of the children’s enthusiasm for their daily phonics sessions, where they have learnt many phonemes and graphemes, and have the opportunity to apply these in their writing. Our environment features lots of fine motor control opportunities to support the development of children’s hand strength and stamina. The children continue to practise their name writing daily and are supported with correct letter formation. We LOVE books and stories in Reception, and share our favourites daily!
Our Mathematics curriculum supports children to develop secure understanding of early number. This term, using the Master the Curriculum programme, we have continued subitising (recognising small amounts without counting) and singing lots of number nursery rhymes. Mathematical opportunities are in every area of the learning environment, with loose parts for children to sort and count, shapes to discuss and describe, and fun puzzles to complete! Continuing to strengthen our subitising skills has supported us to recognise that numbers are made up of other numbers. With our new knowledge we have been working on composition of number, looking at dominoes, Numicon and other representations of number. Each day we practise our number formation and counting.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children have enjoyed creating observational drawings and paintings this term. We have been looking closely at flowers, and carefully drawing what we can see. We have enjoyed exploring rhythm and making patterns out of music and sound. We love our Makaton sing and sign sessions - we know so many Makaton signs now!
Understanding the World
This term, we have been on welly walks, noticing seasonal changes around us and in our local environment. We have been able to spot many signs of spring! We enjoyed a visit from Will Coleman from Go Cornish, where we listened to his Cornish story. We celebrated St Piran’s Day with some very special cream teas, and made our own Cornish flags.